Monday 1 March 2010

10-11am - Asia/church planting/"drawing from deep wells"

10-11am - Asia/church planting/"drawing from deep wells"
Share your prayer needs or feed back on how you are praying.
Please use the comment box/link below to respond


  1. Using the Cut-Up Psalms in the creative room - "The Lord restores your hearts through Christ and your strength through faith.

  2. I've been getting a fresh sense of what it means to follow Jesus whilst praying for Asia this hour - what it means for those on this continent who have converted from other religions, those who are extremely poor, those who have been enslaved.

    They follow Jesus with a simple heart, but with great passion. They do it obediently and whole-heartedly - like the discpiles did with Jesus the man.

    As British Christians we can learn much from this, I feel. What does it mean to me to really follow Jesus?
